The European Union will support the Center for Girls' project  "Through FAIR philosophy to the EU - Through feminist reconstructed philosophy to the European Union", through the program "See you in the EU!" of the National Coalition for Decentralization.

The goal of the project is to empower women for active participation in society by enriching the curriculum and practice by including feminist theory in high school philosophy classes. Planned activities include visits of the project team to secondary schools, organizing meetings with professors of philosophy in order to prepare for writing a Manual for the inclusion of feminist theory in the teaching of philosophy for high schools and vocational secondary schools, publishing and printing the Manual, as well as drafting and submitting a proposal for the inclusion of feminist theory in the philosophy curriculum for gymnasiums and secondary vocational schools of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and the Regional Center for Education. In addition, the project will ensure the promotion of the Manual and a public advocacy campaign, as well as informing the general public about project activities and planned goals. During the project, at least 300 high school students will be directly involved, who will be empowered to actively participate in society, promote EU values ​​and raise awareness of the importance of gender equality in formal education.

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